I am going to log my life in this page. In future, when I look back my life, I want to how I spent the adventure of life.

1998 - I was born

1998-2003 - I can’t remember those times. Since I was a baby.

2003-2005 - I remember that I went to kinder garden. Me and my father going to kindergarten on a walk. He bought me candy. My elder brother also wen to the same kindergarten called “Qaldirg’och”. But, he was in another group. My family lived 4th floor of the apartment which was the highest one. I played near this building with my friends. I learned how to drive a bicycle. I also studied 0-level at school. It was one of the sweet and awesome memory!

2005, September - My family moved into the house. After that, I started to attend school for the first time. I met lots of friends and classmates.

2005-2009 - I studied 1-4 classes. I had lots of passion for getting lots of grades per week. We had a competition for getting the maximum number of grades.

2010-2012 - Attended 5-6 classes. I learned math and participated math competition among schools in our city.

2012-2015 - Attended 7-9 classes in different school. I learned the English language in this school. I met a bunch of new classmates.

2015-2017 - Attended college. I also studied extra courses like English, math, and physics. I prepared for university exams.

2017 September - I got accepted to Inha University in Tashkent. I started learning Computer Science fundamentals.

2019 May - 2019 September - I went to U.S.A with Work and Travel program. It was my first going to foreign country. I spend summer at Bolton Landing, New York.

2020 September - 2021 June - I started my professional Software engineering career in Udevs company. Worked together with fantastic people.

2021 May - Finished bachelors degree at Inha.

2021 June - 2022 March - I started working at Epam System company.

2021 October - I lost my friend Khurshid

2022 May - 2023 February - I started studying for master’s degre at MIU. I lived at Fairfield, Iowa state in U.S.A.

2023 Aprel - I joined as software engineer to company Zoftify.
